custom member list fields

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custom member list fields Empty custom member list fields

Post by _Twisted_Mods_ 1/21/2015, 8:51 am


Posts : 101
Reputation : 3
Birthday : 1986-08-05
Join date : 2014-10-03
Age : 37
Location : USA

[script=Your choice=in all pages]
        if(_userdata.user_level == 1){
        $('head').append(' <style>#pflinfo {color: red;font-weight: bold;background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% black;display: inline-block;padding: 5px;border: 1px solid white;border-radius: 5px;transition: 2s;}#pflinfo:hover {font-size:3em;padding: 10px;}</style> ')
        $('#profile-tab-field-profil dl').each(function(){
        $(this).append(' <span id="pflinfo" style="">'+$(this).attr("id")+'</span> ');});
        $('#profile-advanced-details dl').each(function(){$(this).append(' <span id="pflinfo" style="">'+$(this).attr("id")+'</span> ');

then view someones profile

write down the id

then replace the last script with the one for your version below

var newbname = "New Field"; // name of the new category
var aftbox = parseInt("0"); // category to put the new profile field after.. start with 0
var thfield = 'field_id-4'; // profile field id you got from the first script
var wfield = ["3","4","5"]; // catigories to remove .. start with 0 and inclue your new row your adding go from left to right
or top to bottom on invision
var remf = "yes";  // remove fields yes or no

  //        -----------punbb-------
        var newbname = "New Field"; // name of the new category
        var aftbox = parseInt("0"); // category to put the new profile field after.. start with 0
        var thfield = 'field_id-4'; // profile field id
        var wfield = ["3","4","5"]; // catigories to remove .. start with 0 and inclue your new row your adding go from left to right
        var remf = "yes";  // remove fields yes or no
        $('.frm-set thead tr th').eq(aftbox).after('<th class="tc2" nowrap="nowrap">'+newbname+'</th>');
        $('.frm-set tbody tr').each(function(){
          $(this).find('td').eq(aftbox).after('<td class="row2" id="blahhh tc3" align="center">LOADING...</td>');
        $('.frm-set tbody tr td:nth-child(1) a[href^="/u"]').each(function(index){
          var prof = jQuery(this).attr('href');
          $(this).closest('tr').find('td').eq(aftbox+1).load(prof + ' #'+thfield+':eq(0)', function() {
        if(remf =="yes"){
        for (var i = wfield.length-1; i>-1; i--){
        $('.frm-set thead tr th').eq(parseInt(wfield[i])).remove();
        $('.frm-set tbody tr').each(function(){

        //        -----------phpbb3-------
        var newbname = "New Field"; // name of the new category
        var aftbox = parseInt("0"); // category to put the new profile field after.. start with 0
        var thfield = 'field_id-4'; // profile field id
        var wfield = ["3","4","5"]; // catigories to remove .. start with 0 and inclue your new row your adding go from left to right
        var remf = "yes";  // remove fields yes or no
        $('#memberlist thead tr th').eq(aftbox).after('<th class="name" nowrap="nowrap">'+newbname+'</th>');
        $('#memberlist tbody tr').each(function(){
          $(this).find('td').eq(aftbox).after('<td class="row2" id="blahhh" align="center">LOADING...</td>');
        $('#memberlist tbody tr td:nth-child(2) a[href^="/u"]').each(function(index){
          var prof = jQuery(this).attr('href');
          $(this).closest('tr').find('td').eq(aftbox+1).load(prof + ' #'+thfield+':eq(0)', function() {
        if(remf =="yes"){
        for (var i = wfield.length-1; i>-1; i--){
        $('#memberlist thead tr th').eq(parseInt(wfield[i])).remove();
        $('#memberlist tbody tr').each(function(){

        //        -----------phpbb2-------
        var newbname = "New Field"; // name of the new category
        var aftbox = parseInt("0"); // category to put the new profile field after.. start with 0
        var thfield = 'field_id-4'; // profile field id
        var wfield = ["3","4","5"]; // catigories to remove .. start with 0 and inclue your new row your adding go from left to right
        var remf = "yes";  // remove fields yes or no
        $('.forumline:eq(2) tbody tr th').eq(aftbox).after('<th class="thTop" nowrap="nowrap">'+newbname+'</th>');
        $('.forumline:eq(2) tbody tr').each(function(){
          $(this).find('td').eq(aftbox).after('<td class="row2" id="blahhh" align="center">LOADING...</td>');
        $('.forumline tbody tr td:nth-child(3) a[href^="/u"]').each(function(index){
          var prof = jQuery(this).attr('href');
          $(this).closest('tr').find('td').eq(aftbox+1).load(prof + ' #'+thfield+':eq(0)', function() {
        if(remf =="yes"){
        for (var i = wfield.length-1; i>-1; i--){
        $('.forumline:eq(2) tbody tr th').eq(parseInt(wfield[i])).remove();
        $('.forumline:eq(2) tbody tr').each(function(){


var newbname = "New Field"; // name of the new category
var aftbox = parseInt("0"); // category to put the new profile field after.. start with 0
var thfield = 'field_id-20'; // profile field id
var wfield = ["3","4","5"]; // catigories to remove .. start with 0 and inclue your new row your adding go from left to right
var remf = "yes"; // remove fields yes or no
var ohtm = $(this).find('p').html();
var newhtm = ohtm.replace(/<span class="label">/g,'<span class="pffield"><span class="label">').replace(/<br>/g,'</span><br>');
$(this).find('p .pffield').eq(aftbox).after('<br><span class="" id="blahhh" align="center">LOADING...</span>');
$('.member .profile-icon').eq(0).each(function(index){
var prof = jQuery(this).attr('href');
$(this).closest('.member').find('#blahhh').load(prof + ' #'+thfield+':eq(0)', function() {
var blagg1 = jQuery(this).find('span').text();
var blagg2 = jQuery(this).find('.field_uneditable').text();
jQuery(this).html(blagg1+': '+blagg2);
if(remf =="yes"){
for (var i = 0; i<wfield.length; i++){


Last edited by Admin on 1/23/2015, 10:32 pm; edited 5 times in total

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custom member list fields Empty Re: custom member list fields

Post by Guest 1/21/2015, 9:33 am


Smile Thanks! I wanted to add the country flags of each member to the member list

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